All Woebegone products support local artists & artisans, and help to fund our beach cleanups in the Shoalhaven. 10% of all shop sales are used to buy and donate ocean-themed kid’s books to local school libraries.
When you wear our apparel — you represent a community of fierce ocean guardians and revolutionary thinkers.
If you know of people, organisations and projects doing great work that could do with our support, please get in touch!
New Release!
Our own branded adult and kid’s mask and snorkel sets are now available to buy.
High quality and comfortable for your next ocean adventure. Try before you buy and help support local beach cleanups.
Woebegone Shop
Our Mission is to put the environment before profits. We are always looking for ways to minimise our footprint as much as possible.
We believe up-cycling is the way of the future. By taking a product that already exists and making a new product with little additional energy, we are breathing life into beautiful and unique items of clothing that may be forgotten.
By purchasing our products you are supporting Australian charities and Sea Shepard Campaigns, as well as our cleanup events.
There has never been a more important time to make everyday decisions that put the planet first. Spend wisely.
Thank you and much love to our beautiful ocean warriors!