As Homo Sapiens, good health, energy and wellbeing should be our natural state and living a healthy life should not be complicated (despite what the internet says). Ever heard the saying “no pain, no gain?” I don’t believe it... Counting calories?.. No thanks! I’m no fitness guru, but I am a human, and vitality is our right … IF…. we abide by the laws of nature. Five years ago I started making some changes in my mindset and daily habits that revolutionised my health and led to incredible things. I want to share with you the 5 RITUALS that REVOLUTIONISED my life.
Before.. puffy and lethargic
After..full of life and energy!
1. Warm water and lemon juice first thing. The way you begin your day is CRUCIAL. It’s the ritual that sets you up to meet the challenges of life. Begin by hydrating your body, dosing it with Vitamin C and kindling the fires of your digestion and metabolism.
2. Grow your own salad greens and actually eat them. Tending a veggie garden is cardio, weights and yoga all in one! If you are a gardener you will know exactly what I mean! Not only that, you are out in the elements, breathing in that sweet prana and soaking in those life giving solar rays. In time you will tune into the lunar cycles, take notice of the seasons and experience immense joy over rain.
Eating fresh salad greens is like a multi vitamin on steroids! Vitamins, minerals and healthy bacteria come from the soil.. Not from a supplement bottle as most experts would have you believe. This will give you super human plant powers!
Dislcaimer: It may lead to the demise of your manicured lawn to make way for food production!
3. Walk barefoot on the beach. An hour of walking barefoot on the soft sand is far more beneficial then slogging away on a footpath! I have come to the conclusion padded/cushioned shoes are making us soft!
Walking barefoot builds tremendous strength in the feet, ankles and legs. I switched to “minimal” shoes and found that I no longer get a sore lower back after a day on my feet.
I now prefer to walk for relaxation, I feel more comfortable standing when out and about and I often walk the dog while enjoying a cold frothy… Now that is multi tasking!
4. Ride your bike to work. Now I realise that this is not always possible, but the general idea of this is to incorporate exercise into your day –to-day activities, such as transportation to work. Our bodies are designed to move and I feel like exercise is something separate from our lives, done inside the walls of an air conditioned room with blaring music to distract us from our discomfort. Only the most dedicated and motivated individuals can keep up a daily gym routine over their entire lifetime. By making your mode of transportation your form of exercise, you are really being efficient with time and energy. Before you know it, you will have the stamina of a horse!
5. Find a passion that allows you to be creative and move your body. Take it one step further and make it your career!
We have become so obsessed with counting calories and repetitions, weird diets and 12 week challenges, that we have forgotten that exercise is actually supposed to be fun and sustainable over a lifetime. When we started Woebegone Freedive, we were looking for a career in which we could do something we are both passionate about, travel, meet interesting people, help our community and stay fit without even realising it. Snorkelling and diving around Jervis Bay has had huge benefits for our physical and mental health. There is something about water that is so therapeutic.
Find what it is that gets you moving and makes you happy and pursue it!
Our equation for a good life: Happy Thoughts = Happy Body
Get out there and thrive!
Inspired by the book “Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health” by Mark Bunn